Garage doors are common entry points of intruders for breaking-in. This is why manufacturers are continuously looking for ways on how to keep these doors more secured by designing various innovative and advanced security features. Keeping the garage safe is important, especially since they are usually connected to entry doors going to the house. There are various ways to keep your place secured from unauthorized access.
Tips to Prevent Break-Ins in Your Garage
Closing the overhead door after getting in and out of the garage is a simple but effective way of securing the property. This may be an obvious thing to do, but you’ll be surprised on how many users actually forget to do this. Sometimes, they leave the door open thinking that it would only take them a short time to complete a task and return back to the garage. However, you’ll never know when an intruder is just around the corner waiting for the perfect time to get in and steal something valuable, and all they need is that quick moment that you let your guard down. So make sure to always close the door. Hide the remote as well, not only to prevent injuries with children that may happen if they play near the door, but to keep it away from burglars. The safety and security of your place is vital so every little detail that helps to achieve this must be done. Avoid leaving the remote inside the car too, as your car’s lock can be popped and someone might gain access to the remote.
The emergency release on doors is helpful when the power is out or the door opener fails to function properly. Using this disconnects the door from the opener, allowing you to use it manually. However, burglars may find a way to trip this from the outside and allow them to open and close the door without difficulties. Our S Jordan experts suggest using zip ties for locking the opener’s disengaging arm. This still allows you to use the feature when necessary and at the same time prevent others from tripping it from the outside and getting in your place without your knowledge. There are doors that also come with windows that add to their aesthetic appeal. These windows could also be used by burglars to check out what’s inside and plan for their attack. Covering them with cardboards or newspapers would be one way to prevent it. In addition, another method is frosting.
Aside from using a remote control, another common way of accessing modern garage doors is by using a keypad that’s installed outside. A secret code is set and must be entered when entering. Choosing a code that’s difficult for others to guess, but easy for you to remember is the best way to go. Don’t use the default code or something that many people know that’s related to you like your birthday, mobile number or house address. As mentioned, more and more features are being developed by industry professionals to provide better security. Invest on these features as you would find them very helpful. For instance, having a security camera installed in front of the garage would scare away intruders as they would know that they would be busted. You may also get a door opener that continuously generates different codes to prevent hacking. Old openers only have a single code that can be hacked by using a transmitter. Burglars could easily get in and out of your property if this happens. Other features to consider are automatic closers and systems that let you remotely monitor and control your door.